Feel free to get in touch
TarotCart’s TarotCat:
Scroll down to ask the TarotCat for assistance.
TarotCat Availability:
He will get back to you, please be patient!

how to contact us:
Do you have a question? Please check our FAQ page first to see if it has been addressed there.
To see your shipping options and what it will cost to ship the items in your cart, just begin the checkout process and enter your location. You can then see the choice of available shipping options before committing to the order and paying. Average US orders usually currently ship for $10.20 (2023 pricing) or less for small items under 13 ounces, and international orders can be anywhere form $15-$45 dollars depending on location and weight.
Still need to contact us?
Use your mighty keyboard, even if you have to move the cat! Feel free to email us with your words, questions, and comments – we love to hear from you!
We can be reached at info(at)tarotcart.com. We will get back to you as soon as possible! If you do not hear from us within 48 hours, please check your Junk folder in case our reply went there.
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