Astrological decans and tarot magic combine at last! Introducing Telos Tarot of 777, M.M. Meleen’s new tarot deck, The telos of something is its inherent highest purpose.

MM Meleen created Telos Tarot, based on the astrological decans and magic. The tarot deck is finally complete and previewing on Kickstarter. The astrological decans and tarot have been used in magic for centuries. This is the deck mentioned at the bottom of our “About our Thoth Inspired tarot decks” page, finally completed and named.

Telos Tarot: astrological decans and tarot magic
Three of Wands, Telos Tarot copyright 2020-2024 M. M. Meleen

About Telos Tarot, astrological decans and tarot magic

M.M. Meleen created Telos Tarot of 777 in a process that took over four years. Every card’s creation happened using astrological timing. These have been drawn and panted by hand with traditional art materials and old school illustration techniques. Each minor card was drawn, inked, and color painted during the astrological decan period it corresponds to.

For example, Meleen created the pencil drawing and inked lines for the above card during the Aries II decan in a ceremonial process. And then, painted it during the same Aries II decan in a subsequent year. As a result, they are imbued with the magical power of the decan.

examples of the magical descriptions

The magical description for the astrological decan Aries II, shown above in the Three of Wands, says “A green clad woman, with one leg bare from the ankle to the knee.” The deity for the decan is Persephone. Because of this, the card also features the three parts of the soul according to Egyptian mythology. These soul parts are concerned with the idea of the card as Virtue.

The current decan at the time of this post is Gemini I. The astrological decan description reads “A beautiful woman, with her two horses.” The daimon or divine tutelary spirit of the card is the Titan Tethys, goddess of rivers. The branching rivers symbolize the many choices present when one is confronted with the energy of this card.

Astrological decans and magic Telos Tarot Eight of Swords Gemini decan I
Eight of Swords, Gemini decan I, copyright 2020 M.M. Meleen

The creation evolved as a trip or series of “decan walks” through the magical images of the decans as listed in Aleister Crowley’s 777. These magical descriptions of the astrological decans were used as a basis for the creation of the minor arcana. Both in both imagery and timing. These are mainly based on the 11th century astrological magic treatise the Picatrix, with a few simplifications and variations. We finally have a deck that combines and reconciles the images of the decans with the art and meaning of the tarot minor arcana cards.

About the majors

It also is a deck where all majors actually follow the “correct design of the tarot trumps” in Crowley’s 777, according to the teachings of the Golden Dawn.

Would you like to read more about how and why Telos Tarot was created, and more about the astrological decans and tarot magic? Meet the Fool of Telos Tarot. More posts will follow about other cards and how to use them for astrological magic.

You can also visit to learn more. Sign up to be notified when the project goes live on Kickstarter.
